
How To Issue Citation Without A Registered User On Opencad

0% developed  as of November 17, 2009 second Primitives [edit | edit source]

All 2D primitives can be transformed with 3D transformations. They are usually used as office of a 3D extrusion. Although they are infinitely thin, they are rendered with a 1 thickness.

foursquare [edit | edit source]

Creates a square or rectangle in the outset quadrant. When heart is truthful the square is centered on the origin. Argument names are optional if given in the club shown here.

foursquare(size = [x, y], center = true/imitation); square(size =  ten    , middle = true/faux);        
single value, foursquare with both sides this length
ii value array [x,y], rectangle with dimensions x and y
false (default), 1st (positive) quadrant, one corner at (0,0)
true, square is centered at (0,0)
default values:  foursquare();   yields:  square(size = [ane, ane], center = fake);        

10x10 square

equivalent scripts for this example  square(size = ten);  foursquare(10);  foursquare([10,x]);  .  square(ten,simulated);  square([10,10],fake);  square([10,x],centre=false);  foursquare(size = [10, 10], center = false);  square(center = simulated,size = [x, 10] );        

OpenScad square 20x10

equivalent scripts for this case  square([20,x],truthful);  a=[twenty,10];square(a,truthful);        

circumvolve [edit | edit source]

Creates a circle at the origin. All parameters, except r, must be named.

circle(r=radius | d=diameter);        
r : circumvolve radius. r proper noun is the only ane optional with circle.
circumvolve resolution is based on size, using $fa or $fs.
For a small, high resolution circle you can make a large circle, then scale it downwardly, or y'all could gear up $fn or other special variables. Note: These examples exceed the resolution of a 3d printer as well as of the brandish screen.
scale([1/100, 1/100, one/100]) circle(200); // create a high resolution circle with a radius of 2. circle(ii, $fn=50);                        // Another way.        
d : circumvolve bore (only available in versions subsequently than 2014.03).
$fa : minimum angle (in degrees) of each fragment.
$fs : minimum circumferential length of each fragment.
$fn : fixed number of fragments in 360 degrees. Values of 3 or more override $fa and $fs.
If they are used, $fa, $fs and $fn must be named parameters. click here for more details,.
defaults:  circle(); yields:  circle($fn = 0, $fa = 12, $fs = 2, r = 1);        

circle for user manual description

Equivalent scripts for this example

          circle(10);  circle(r=10);  circumvolve(d=twenty);  circle(d=2+ix*2);        

Ellipses [edit | edit source]

An ellipse tin can be created from a circle past using either scale() or resize() to brand the x and y dimensions unequal. See OpenSCAD User Manual/Transformations

Ellipse from circle Ellipse from circle top view

equivalent scripts for this example  resize([30,10])circumvolve(d=20);  scale([1.5,.5])circumvolve(d=20);        

Regular Polygons [edit | edit source]

A regular polygon of 3 or more sides can exist created past using circumvolve() with $fn ready to the number of sides. The following two pieces of code are equivalent.

          circle(r=1, $fn=4);        
          module regular_polygon(order = 4, r=i){      angles=[ for (i = [0:order-i]) i*(360/social club) ];      coords=[ for (th=angles) [r*cos(th), r*sin(thursday)] ];      polygon(coords);  }  regular_polygon();        

These result in the following shapes, where the polygon is inscribed inside the circle with all sides (and angles) equal. One corner points to the positive x direction. For irregular shapes see the polygon archaic below.

OpenSCAD regular polygon using circle.jpg

script for these examples  translate([-42,  0]){circle(20,$fn=3);%circle(xx,$fn=90);}  translate([  0,  0]) circumvolve(xx,$fn=4);  translate([ 42,  0]) circle(twenty,$fn=5);  interpret([-42,-42]) circumvolve(20,$fn=half dozen);  translate([  0,-42]) circle(20,$fn=viii);  translate([ 42,-42]) circle(xx,$fn=12);    colour("black"){      translate([-42,  0,1])text("3",7,,heart);      interpret([  0,  0,1])text("4",seven,,center);      translate([ 42,  0,1])text("5",7,,center);      translate([-42,-42,ane])text("6",7,,centre);      translate([  0,-42,ane])text("eight",7,,center);      translate([ 42,-42,one])text("12",7,,center);  }        

polygon [edit | edit source]

The function polygon() creates a multiple sided shape from a list of x,y coordinates. A polygon is the most powerful 2D object. Information technology can create annihilation that circle and squares can, besides as much more than. This includes irregular shapes with both concave and convex edges. In addition it can place holes within that shape.

polygon(points = [ [x, y], ... ], paths = [ [p1, p2, p3..], ...], convexity = N);        
The list of x,y points of the polygon. : A vector of two chemical element vectors.
Notation: points are indexed from 0 to due north-1.
If no path is specified, all points are used in the order listed.
single vector
The order to traverse the points. Uses indices from 0 to n-1. May be in a unlike order and utilise all or part, of the points listed.
multiple vectors
Creates primary and secondary shapes. Secondary shapes are subtracted from the primary shape (like difference()). Secondary shapes may exist wholly or partially within the chief shape.
A closed shape is created by returning from the last point specified to the offset.
Integer number of "inward" curves, ie. expected path crossings of an capricious line through the polygon. See below.
defaults:   polygon();  yields:  polygon(points = undef, paths = undef, convexity = 1);        

Without holes [edit | edit source]

OpenSCAD Polygon Example Rhomboid.jpg

equivalent scripts for this example  polygon(points=[[0,0],[100,0],[130,50],[30,50]]);  polygon([[0,0],[100,0],[130,50],[30,50]], paths=[[0,one,2,three]]);  polygon([[0,0],[100,0],[130,l],[xxx,50]],[[3,2,1,0]]);  polygon([[0,0],[100,0],[130,l],[30,50]],[[1,0,3,two]]);       a=[[0,0],[100,0],[130,fifty],[30,fifty]];  b=[[3,0,one,2]];  polygon(a);  polygon(a,b);  polygon(a,[[2,3,0,i,2]]);        

One pigsty [edit | edit source]


equivalent scripts for this case  polygon(points=[[0,0],[100,0],[0,100],[10,10],[80,10],[10,80]], paths=[[0,1,2],[three,four,5]],convexity=x);   triangle_points =[[0,0],[100,0],[0,100],[x,10],[fourscore,10],[ten,lxxx]];  triangle_paths =[[0,one,two],[three,4,5]];  polygon(triangle_points,triangle_paths,10);        

The 1st path vector, [0,1,2], selects the points, [0,0],[100,0],[0,100], for the principal shape. The 2d path vector, [3,iv,five], selects the points, [10,10],[80,10],[10,eighty], for the secondary shape. The secondary shape is subtracted from the principal ( think divergence() ). Since the secondary is wholly inside the primary, it leaves a shape with a hole.

Multi hole [edit | edit source]

[Note: Requires version 2015.03 ] (for use of concat())

OpenSCAD romboid with holes.jpg

          //instance polygon with multiple holes a0 = [[0,0],[100,0],[130,fifty],[30,l]];     // primary b0 = [1,0,3,two]; a1 = [[20,20],[forty,twenty],[30,thirty]];            // pigsty 1 b1 = [4,v,6]; a2 = [[50,xx],[60,20],[40,30]];            // hole ii b2 = [7,8,ix]; a3 = [[65,ten],[80,10],[eighty,40],[65,40]];    // hole 3 b3 = [x,11,12,13]; a4 = [[98,10],[115,40],[85,xl],[85,ten]];   // hole 4 b4 = [14,15,xvi,17]; a  = concat (a0,a1,a2,a3,a4); b  = [b0,b1,b2,b3,b4]; polygon(a,b);       //alternate  polygon(a,[b0,b1,b2,b3,b4]);        

Extruding a 3D shape from a polygon [edit | edit source]

Example openscad 3dshape.png

          translate([0,-20,10]) {        rotate([90,180,90]) {            linear_extrude(l) {                polygon(                    points = [                       //x,y                        /*                                   O  .                        */                        [-2.8,0],                        /*                                 O__X  .                        */                        [-7.8,0],                        /*                               O                                \                                 X__X  .                        */                        [-15.3633,x.thirty],                        /*                               X_______._____O                                \                                          X__X  .                        */                        [15.3633,10.30],                        /*                               X_______._______X                                \             /                                 X__X  .     O                        */                        [7.viii,0],                        /*                               X_______._______X                                \             /                                 X__X  .  O__X                        */                        [2.8,0],                        /*                            X__________.__________X                             \                   /                              \              O  /                               \            /  /                                \          /  /                                 X__X  .  X__X                        */                        [5.48858,five.3],                        /*                            X__________.__________X                             \                   /                              \   O__________X  /                               \            /  /                                \          /  /                                 X__X  .  X__X                        */                        [-v.48858,5.3],                                    ]                                );                            }        }    }        

convexity [edit | edit source]

The convexity parameter specifies the maximum number of front end sides (back sides) a ray intersecting the object might penetrate. This parameter is needed but for correct brandish of the object in OpenCSG preview fashion and has no result on the polyhedron rendering.

Openscad convexity.jpg

This image shows a 2D shape with a convexity of four, every bit the ray indicated in red crosses the 2nd shape a maximum of iv times. The convexity of a 3D shape would exist determined in a similar fashion. Setting it to 10 should work fine for most cases.

import_dxf [edit | edit source]

[ Deprecated: import_dxf() will be removed in time to come releases. Use import() instead.]

Read a DXF file and create a 2D shape.


linear_extrude(summit = 5, center = truthful, convexity = x) 		import_dxf(file = "example009.dxf", layer = "plate");        

0% developed  as of November 17, 2009 Text [edit | edit source]

The text module creates text as a 2nd geometric object, using fonts installed on the local arrangement or provided as separate font file.

[Note: Requires version 2015.03 ]


String. The text to generate.
Decimal. The generated text has an ascent (peak to a higher place the baseline) of approximately the given value. Default is x. Different fonts tin vary somewhat and may not fill the size specified exactly, typically they render slightly smaller.
String. The name of the font that should be used. This is not the name of the font file, simply the logical font proper noun (internally handled past the fontconfig library). This can likewise include a style parameter, see below. A listing of installed fonts & styles can be obtained using the font list dialog (Help -> Font List).
String. The horizontal alignment for the text. Possible values are "left", "center" and "right". Default is "left".
String. The vertical alignment for the text. Possible values are "top", "eye", "baseline" and "bottom". Default is "baseline".
Decimal. Factor to increase/decrease the character spacing. The default value of 1 results in the normal spacing for the font, giving a value greater than 1 causes the messages to exist spaced further autonomously.
String. Direction of the text period. Possible values are "ltr" (left-to-right), "rtl" (right-to-left), "ttb" (top-to-bottom) and "btt" (bottom-to-height). Default is "ltr".
Cord. The language of the text. Default is "en".
String. The script of the text. Default is "latin".
used for subdividing the curved path segments provided by freetype



To allow specification of item Unicode characters, y'all tin specify them in a cord with the following escape codes;

  • \1003 - hex char-value (merely hex values from 01 to 7f are supported)
  • \u0123 - Unicode char with iv hexadecimal digits (note: lowercase \u)
  • \U012345 - Unicode char with 6 hexadecimal digits (note: upper-case letter \U)

The naught character (NUL) is mapped to the infinite graphic symbol (SP).

          assert(version() == [2019, 5, 0]);  assert(ord(" ") == 32);  assert(ord("\x00") == 32);  affirm(ord("\u0000") == 32);  assert(ord("\U000000") == 32);        


t="\u20AC10 \u263A"; // x euro and a smilie        

Using Fonts & Styles [edit | edit source]

Fonts are specified past their logical font name; in addition a style parameter can exist added to select a specific font fashion like "bold" or "italic", such every bit:

font="Liberation Sans:style=Bold Italic"        

The font listing dialog (bachelor under Help > Font List) shows the font name and the font style for each available font. For reference, the dialog too displays the location of the font file. You tin can drag a font in the font list, into the editor window to utilise in the text() statement.

OpenSCAD font list dialog

OpenSCAD includes the fonts Liberation Mono, Liberation Sans, and Liberation Serif. Hence, every bit fonts in general differ by platform blazon, use of these included fonts is probable to be portable across platforms.

For common/casual text usage, the specification of one of these fonts is recommended for this reason. Liberation Sans is the default font to encourage this.

In addition to the installed fonts ( for windows only fonts installed equally admin for all users ), it's possible to add project specific font files. Supported font file formats are TrueType Fonts (*.ttf) and OpenType Fonts (*.otf). The files need to be registered with use<>.

          utilize <ttf/paratype-serif/PTF55F.ttf>        

After the registration, the font is listed in the font list dialog, and then in case logical name of a font is unknown, it can be looked upwardly as it was registered.

OpenSCAD uses fontconfig to observe and manage fonts, so it'south possible to list the system configured fonts on command line using the fontconfig tools in a format similar to the GUI dialog.

            $ fc-list -f            "%-60{{%{family[0]}%{:style[0]=}}}%{file}\n"            |            sort  ... Liberation Mono:manner=Bold Italic /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation2/LiberationMono-BoldItalic.ttf Liberation Mono:style=Bold        /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation2/LiberationMono-Assuming.ttf Liberation Mono:style=Italic      /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation2/LiberationMono-Italic.ttf Liberation Mono:style=Regular     /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation2/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf ...          

Under windows font are in register base. To go a file with the proper noun of the constabulary employ the command line :

reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" /southward > List_Font_Windows.txt


          foursquare(x);    translate([15, 15]) {    text("OpenSCAD", font = "Liberation Sans");  }    translate([15, 0]) {    text("OpenSCAD", font = "Liberation Sans:style=Bold Italic");  }        

Alignment [edit | edit source]

Vertical alignment [edit | edit source]

The text is aligned with the top of the bounding box at the given Y coordinate.
The text is aligned with the center of the bounding box at the given Y coordinate.
The text is aligned with the font baseline at the given Y coordinate. This is the default.
The text is aligned with the bottom of the bounding box at the given Y coordinate.

OpenSCAD vertical text alignment

          text = "Align";  font = "Liberation Sans";    valign = [    [  0, "top"],    [ 40, "centre"],    [ 75, "baseline"],    [110, "bottom"]  ];    for (a = valign) {    translate([10, 120 - a[0], 0]) {      colour("red") cube([135, 1, 0.ane]);      color("blue") cube([i, 20,]);      linear_extrude(top = 0.v) {        text(text = str(text,"_",a[1]), font = font, size = 20, valign = a[i]);      }    }  }        

Horizontal alignment [edit | edit source]

The text is aligned with the left side of the bounding box at the given X coordinate. This is the default.
The text is aligned with the center of the bounding box at the given X coordinate.
The text is aligned with the right of the bounding box at the given X coordinate.

OpenSCAD horizontal text alignment

          text = "Align";  font = "Liberation Sans";    halign = [    [10, "left"],    [50, "center"],    [ninety, "right"]  ];    for (a = halign) {    translate([140, a[0], 0]) {      color("cerise") cube([115, ii,0.ane]);      color("blueish") cube([two, 20,0.1]);      linear_extrude(height = 0.five) {        text(text = str(text,"_",a[1]), font = font, size = 20, halign = a[i]);      }    }  }        

3D text [edit | edit source]

Text tin can exist changed from a 2 dimensional object into a 3D object past using the linear_extrude function.

//3d Text Example linear_extrude(4)     text("Text");        

0% developed  as of November 17, 2009 3D to second Projection [edit | edit source]

Using the projection() part, you tin create second drawings from 3d models, and export them to the dxf format. It works by projecting a 3D model to the (10,y) plane, with z at 0. If cut=true, only points with z=0 are considered (finer cut the object), with cut=false(the default), points higher up and below the plane are considered also (creating a proper projection).

Example: Consider example002.scad, that comes with OpenSCAD.

Openscad projection example 2x.png

Then you lot can practice a 'cutting' projection, which gives you the 'piece' of the ten-y aeroplane with z=0.

projection(cutting = true) example002();        

Openscad projection example 3x.png

You can as well do an 'ordinary' project, which gives a sort of 'shadow' of the object onto the xy plane.

projection(cutting = false) example002();        

Openscad example projection 8x.png

Another Example

You lot can too use projection to get a 'side view' of an object. Let's take example002, and movement information technology up, out of the X-Y plane, and rotate it:

interpret([0,0,25]) rotate([90,0,0]) example002();        

Openscad projection example 4x.png

Now we can go a side view with project()

projection() translate([0,0,25]) rotate([90,0,0]) example002();        

Openscad projection example 5x.png


  • example021.scad from Clifford Wolf's site.
  • More complicated example from Giles Bathgate's blog

0% developed  as of November 17, 2009 2D to 3D Extrusion [edit | edit source]

Extrusion is the process of creating an object with a fixed cross-exclusive contour. OpenSCAD provides two commands to create 3D solids from a 2d shape: linear_extrude() and rotate_extrude(). Linear extrusion is similar to pushing Playdoh through a press with a die of a specific shape.

linear_extrude() works like a Playdoh extrusion press

Rotational extrusion is like to the procedure of turning or "throwing" a basin on the Potter'south bike.

rotate_extrude() emulates throwing a vessel

Both extrusion methods work on a (possibly disjointed) 2D shape which exists on the 10-Y plane. While transformations that operates on both second shapes and 3D solids can move a shape off the 10-Y airplane, when the extrusion is performed the end upshot is not very intuitive. What really happens is that any information in the third coordinate (the Z coordinate) is ignored for any 2D shape, this process amounts to an implicit projection() performed on whatever 2nd shape before the extrusion is executed. Information technology is recommended to perform extrusion on shapes that remains strictly on the X-Y plane.

Linear Extrude [edit | edit source]

Linear Extrusion is an functioning that takes a 2nd object as input and generates a 3D object equally a event.

In OpenSCAD Extrusion is always performed on the projection (shadow) of the 2d object xy plane and along the Z axis; so if you rotate or utilise other transformations to the 2d object earlier extrusion, its shadow shape is what is extruded.

Although the extrusion is linear along the Z axis, a twist parameter is available that causes the object to be rotated around the Z axis as it is extruding upward. This can exist used to rotate the object at its center, as if it is a screw pillar, or produce a helical extrusion effectually the Z axis, like a pig'southward tail.

A calibration parameter is also included and then that the object can be expanded or contracted over the extent of the extrusion, assuasive extrusions to be flared inward or outward.

Usage [edit | edit source]

linear_extrude(height = v, center = truthful, convexity = 10, twist = -fanrot, slices = 20, calibration = one.0, $fn = sixteen) {...}        

You must utilise parameter names due to a backward compatibility issue.

peak must be positive.

$fn is optional and specifies the resolution of the linear_extrude (college number brings more "smoothness", only more computation time is needed).

If the extrusion fails for a non-trivial second shape, try setting the convexity parameter (the default is non 10, but 10 is a "practiced" value to try). Meet explanation further downwards.

Twist [edit | edit source]

Twist is the number of degrees of through which the shape is extruded. Setting the parameter twist = 360 extrudes through one revolution. The twist direction follows the left hand rule.

twist = 0

0° of Twist

linear_extrude(top = 10, center = true, convexity = ten, twist = 0) interpret([2, 0, 0]) circle(r = ane);        

twist = -100

-100° of Twist

linear_extrude(summit = 10, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = -100) translate([2, 0, 0]) circle(r = i);        

twist = 100

100° of Twist

linear_extrude(superlative = 10, eye = true, convexity = x, twist = 100) translate([2, 0, 0]) circle(r = 1);        

Helical spring, 5x360° plus 8° at each end.

twist = -500

-500° of Twist

linear_extrude(height = ten, center = true, convexity = x, twist = -500) translate([ii, 0, 0]) circle(r = 1);        

Center [edit | edit source]

Information technology is like to the parameter center of cylinders. If center is false the linear extrusion Z range is from 0 to height; if it is true, the range is from -height/2 to height/2.

center = true

center = true

linear_extrude(height = 10, middle = true, convexity = ten, twist = -500) interpret([two, 0, 0]) circle(r = 1);        

center = false

center = false

linear_extrude(top = ten, center = fake, convexity = 10, twist = -500) interpret([ii, 0, 0]) circle(r = i);        

Mesh Refinement [edit | edit source]

The slices parameter defines the number of intermediate points forth the Z centrality of the extrusion. Its default increases with the value of twist. Explicitly setting slices may improve the output refinement. Boosted the segments parameter adds vertices (points) to the extruded polygon resulting in smoother twisted geometries. Segments need to be a multiple of the polygon's fragments to have an effect (half dozen or 9.. for a circle($fn=3), 8,12.. for a square() ).

slices = 100

linear_extrude(height = 10, center = fake, convexity = 10, twist = 360, slices = 100) translate([2, 0, 0]) circle(r = i);        

The special variables $fn, $fs and $fa can likewise be used to ameliorate the output. If slices is not defined, its value is taken from the defined $fn value.

$fn = 100

linear_extrude(peak = 10, center = false, convexity = ten, twist = 360, $fn = 100) interpret([2, 0, 0]) circle(r = 1);        

Scale [edit | edit source]

Scales the 2D shape by this value over the height of the extrusion. Scale tin can exist a scalar or a vector:

          linear_extrude(height = 10, heart = true, convexity = x, scale=3)  translate([2, 0, 0])  circle(r = 1);        

OpenScad linear_extrude scale example

          linear_extrude(summit = 10, centre = truthful, convexity = 10, scale=[ane,5], $fn=100)  translate([two, 0, 0])  circle(r = 1);        

OpenScad linear_extrude scale example2

Note that if scale is a vector, the resulting side walls may exist nonplanar. Utilize twist=0 and the slices parameter to avoid asymmetry.

          linear_extrude(height=10, scale=[1,0.1], slices=20, twist=0)  polygon(points=[[0,0],[20,10],[twenty,-10]]);        

Rotate Extrude [edit | edit source]

Rotational extrusion spins a 2D shape around the Z-axis to form a solid which has rotational symmetry. 1 manner to think of this operation is to imagine a Potter'southward bicycle placed on the X-Y aeroplane with its axis of rotation pointing up towards +Z. So place the to-be-made object on this virtual Potter'southward cycle (possibly extending downward below the X-Y plane towards -Z). The to-be-made object is the cross-section of the object on the X-Y plane (keeping only the correct one-half, X >= 0). That is the second shape that will exist fed to rotate_extrude() as the child in society to generate this solid. Note that the object started on the X-Y plane but is tilted up (rotated +90 degrees virtually the X-axis) to extrude.

Since a 2nd shape is rendered by OpenSCAD on the Ten-Y plane, an culling way to think of this operation is every bit follows: spins a second shape around the Y-axis to form a solid. The resultant solid is placed so that its axis of rotation lies along the Z-axis.

Only similar the linear_extrude, the extrusion is always performed on the projection of the 2d polygon to the XY plane. Transformations like rotate, translate, etc. applied to the 2D polygon earlier extrusion modify the projection of the 2nd polygon to the XY plane and therefore also modify the appearance of the terminal 3D object.

  • A translation in Z of the second polygon has no effect on the issue (as also the project is not affected).
  • A translation in X increases the bore of the final object.
  • A translation in Y results in a shift of the final object in Z management.
  • A rotation nearly the Ten or Y axis distorts the cantankerous section of the final object, as also the projection to the XY aeroplane is distorted.

Don't get confused, as OpenSCAD renders 2nd polygons with a sure height in the Z direction, so the 2D object (with its height) appears to accept a bigger projection to the XY plane. But for the projection to the XY plane and as well for the later extrusion only the base polygon without height is used.

It can not exist used to produce a helix or spiral threads. (These things can be done with linear_extrude() using the twist parameter.)

The 2nd shape must lie completely on either the right (recommended) or the left side of the Y-centrality. More than precisely speaking, every vertex of the shape must accept either x >= 0 or x <= 0. If the shape spans the X axis a warning appears in the console windows and the rotate_extrude() is ignored. If the 2D shape touches the Y axis, i.east. at x=0, it must be a line that touches, non a bespeak, as a indicate results in a null thickness 3D object, which is invalid and results in a CGAL mistake. For OpenSCAD versions prior to 2016.xxxx, if the shape is in the negative centrality the resulting faces are oriented inside-out, which may cause undesired furnishings.

Usage [edit | edit source]

rotate_extrude(angle = 360, convexity = 2) {...}        

You must utilise parameter names due to a backward compatibility issue.

convexity : If the extrusion fails for a non-trival 2nd shape, endeavor setting the convexity parameter (the default is non x, only 10 is a "expert" value to try). See explanation farther down.
angle [Note: Requires version 2019.05 ] : Defaults to 360. Specifies the number of degrees to sweep, starting at the positive X axis. The direction of the sweep follows the Right Paw Rule, hence a negative bending sweeps clockwise.
$fa : minimum angle (in degrees) of each fragment.
$fs : minimum circumferential length of each fragment.
$fn : fixed number of fragments in 360 degrees. Values of 3 or more than override $fa and $fs
$fa, $fs and $fn must be named parameters. click here for more details,.

Examples [edit | edit source]

Rotate extrude wiki 2D.jpg

Openscad rotext 01.jpg

A simple torus tin can exist constructed using a rotational extrude.

rotate_extrude(convexity = 10) translate([2, 0, 0]) circle(r = one);        

Mesh Refinement [edit | edit source]

Rotate extrude wiki 2D C.jpg

Openscad rotext 02.jpg

Increasing the number of fragments composing the 2D shape improves the quality of the mesh, but takes longer to render.

rotate_extrude(convexity = 10) translate([ii, 0, 0]) circumvolve(r = i, $fn = 100);        

Rotate extrude wiki 2D C.jpg

Openscad rotext 03.jpg

The number of fragments used by the extrusion can likewise exist increased.

rotate_extrude(convexity = ten, $fn = 100) translate([2, 0, 0]) circle(r = i, $fn = 100);        

Using the parameter angle (with OpenSCAD versions 2016.xx), a hook tin can exist modeled .

eps = 0.01; interpret([eps, 60, 0])    rotate_extrude(angle=270, convexity=10)        translate([40, 0]) circle(10); rotate_extrude(angle=90, convexity=ten)    translate([20, 0]) circle(10); translate([20, eps, 0])    rotate([xc, 0, 0]) cylinder(r=10, h=eighty+eps);        

Extruding a Polygon [edit | edit source]

Extrusion tin also be performed on polygons with points chosen past the user.

Here is a unproblematic polygon and its 200 step rotational extrusion. (Annotation it has been rotated ninety degrees to show how the rotation appears; the rotate_extrude() needs it flat).

rotate([90,0,0])        polygon( points=[[0,0],[two,1],[1,2],[1,3],[3,4],[0,5]] );        
rotate_extrude($fn=200) polygon( points=[[0,0],[2,1],[ane,2],[1,3],[3,iv],[0,5]] );        

Rotate extrude wiki 2D B.jpg

Openscad polygon extrusion 1.png Openscad polygon extrusion 2.png

For more information on polygons, delight see: 2nd Primitives: Polygon.

Clarification of extrude parameters [edit | edit source]

Extrude parameters for all extrusion modes [edit | edit source]

convexity Integer. The convexity parameter specifies the maximum number of front sides (or back sides) a ray intersecting the object might penetrate. This parameter is only needed for correctly displaying the object in OpenCSG preview style when using the standard Goldfeather algorithm and has no upshot on the polyhedron rendering (the mesh generation).

The convexity of a archaic is the maximum number of front (or dorsum) faces of the primitive at a unmarried position. For example, the convexity of a sphere is one and the convexity of a torus is two.

Openscad convexity.jpg

This paradigm shows a 2D shape with a convexity of 2, as the ray indicated in red crosses the 2d shape a maximum of 4 times (ii forepart sides and 2 back sides). The convexity of a 3D shape would be determined in a similar way. Setting it to 10 should piece of work fine for most cases. Just setting loftier numbers in general may event in slower preview rendering.

Extrude parameters for linear extrusion only [edit | edit source]

pinnacle The extrusion height
centre If true, the solid is centered afterwards extrusion
twist The extrusion twist in degrees
scale Scales the 2D shape by this value over the meridian of the extrusion.
slices Similar to special variable $fn without being passed downward to the child 2D shape.
segments Similar to slices merely calculation points on the polygon'southward segments without changing the polygon'southward shape.

0% developed  as of November 17, 2009 DXF Extrusion [edit | edit source]

With the import() and extrusion modules it is possible to catechumen second objects read from DXF files to 3D objects. Run into besides 2D to 3D Extrusion.

Linear Extrude [edit | edit source]

Example of linear extrusion of a second object imported from a DXF file.

linear_extrude(height = fanwidth, middle = truthful, convexity = 10)    import (file = "example009.dxf", layer = "fan_top");        

Rotate Extrude [edit | edit source]

Example of rotational extrusion of a 2nd object imported from a DXF file.

rotate_extrude(convexity = ten)    import (file = "example009.dxf", layer = "fan_side", origin = fan_side_center);        

Getting Inkscape to piece of work [edit | edit source]

Inkscape is an open source drawing program. Tutorials for transferring 2d DXF drawings from Inkscape to OpenSCAD are available here:

  • (Very uncomplicated, needs path segments to be straight lines)
  • (More than complicated, involves conversion to Postscript)
  • (Amend DXF Export, native support for bezier curves)
  • (even ameliorate back up, works equally of ten/29/2014, meet link beneath registration window. Note: Equally of 6/17/15 only works with version 0.48.5 or before of inkscape, due to a breaking change fabricated in 0.91.)
  • http://world wide (Convert any 2D image to a 3D object using OpenSCAD)
  • (French, directly exports OpenSCAD file)

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